
On this page we talk in detail about this service and you can request a personalized Commercial Offer


Practice-oriented training to solve the problems of improving the production system

By choosing our training programs, you can be sure of the following results:
- choosing the most convenient form and budget of training;
- maximum amount of practice;
- transfer of a well-honed methodology for the implementation of a lean manufacturing tool;
- motivation to implement and support management's efforts to optimize activities.


What is the value of our experts?
Our experts have extensive experience in implementing Lean manufacturing methods in various industries, both as production managers and as consultants. They help staff understand the benefits of Lean Manufacturing and learn how to implement it into various processes. Thanks to their knowledge and experience, companies can improve productivity, reduce costs, use resources efficiently and improve the quality of products and services. During the training process, they can help identify problems and offer solutions that will help businesses achieve more efficient performance.


🕗  Duration: from 1 to 5 days

💰 Price: depends on the number of days and participants

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Informal learning process
To better consolidate the material, the learning process is as interactive as possible. It actively uses exercises, business games and business simulations. This gives participants the opportunity to feel the effectiveness of the studied tool in practice.

We offer various training programs on Lean Manufacturing in a corporate format. These trainings are designed to help businesses achieve their goals for efficient use of resources. The trainings include practical exercises, examples of companies and practices that can be applied to a specific organization. We also offer interactive games that help participants better understand the principles of Lean Manufacturing and develop the necessary skills. Much attention is paid to team interaction and I understand the importance of everyone's personal contribution to improving the Production System of the enterprise.
When offering a training program, we always strive to adapt it to the specifics of the enterprise and industry.


🕗  Duration: from 1 day

💰 Price: depends on the number of days and participants

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Our experts, right at the epicenter of the occurrence of losses, will conduct a training workshop (Optimum Kaizen), for practical development of skills in using the implemented Lean manufacturing tool.
Such training always gives more stable results and at the end of such a project, knowledge of methodologies and acquired skills remain with the Client.

"Learning in the fields" always has a tangible effect that inspires the trainees and their supervisors. Moreover, it is possible to evaluate the results achieved in comparison with production sites that are not affected by changes.

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