Projects aimed at reducing costs, increasing company profitability, and improving financial performance.


Transitioning to an advanced company process organization system that reduces costs, ensures transparency, process stability, and continuous improvement.


Projects to improve quality, reduce costs of "poor quality", and enhance interactions with suppliers and consumers.


Increasing production volume without increasing resources, maintaining current volume with fewer resources, increasing production speed, reducing inventory.


Theoretical and practical training of staff, group work, individual training plan for each client.


  • Do you want to reduce costs, and your current activities do not allow you to achieve significant results? 
  • Do you need an autonomous system that allows you to conduct business more efficiently than your competitors? 
  • Are you limited in resources but see the need to apply modern practices and organizational systems for your enterprise? 
  • Is your company's operation not stable enough? 
  • Are your funds frozen in stocks of raw materials, semi-finished products, and finished goods? Do you pay salaries and rent while your equipment and workers are idle instead of producing goods? 
  • Do you produce non-conforming products and spend additional resources on their reprocessing or disposal? 
  • Costs, inefficient use of resources, reduction of the company's financial indicators – is this the current situation of the company?


  • Do you produce products beyond the needs of the following processes?
  • Do you produce substandard products and spend additional resources on their recycling or disposal?
  • Do you have a high level of surplus raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products?
  • Are you wasting time due to: flow inconsistency, under-delivery, equipment downtime?
  • Are your employees doing unnecessary things: movements, movements, product processing?
  • Is the creative potential of your employees not being used to its full potential?
  • Costs, inefficient use of resources, decrease in the financial performance of the company – the current situation of the company?


  • У Вас высокий уровень бракованной продукции?
  • Вы «закапываете» ресурсы из-за производства брака?
  • Сперва Вы платите за производство некачественной продукции, затем храните ее, занимая производственные и складские площади, затем Вы сортируете ее и пытаетесь переработать, затрачивая средства, которые могли бы пустить в развитие? И снова храните? А потом платите деньги на утилизацию того, что не смогли переработать?
  • У вас высокий уровень рекламаций?
  • Вы не имеете стройной Системы управления некачественной продукцией?
  • Издержки, неэффективное использование ресурсов, снижение финансовых показателей компании – сегодняшняя ситуация компании?


  • Do you have the opportunity to increase sales, but you do not have enough capacity?
  • Do you have to arrange extra shifts and overtime to complete a production assignment?
  • In order to cover the increased demand, do you need to invest, and are you not ready to invest at the moment?
  • Additional costs, inefficient use of resources, decrease in the financial performance of the company – the current situation of the company?


  • Costs, inefficient use of resources, decrease in the financial performance of the company – the current situation of the company?
  • Do you understand that improvements are required, but you lack the knowledge that will help bring the company to "+" or reduce costs?
  • Are you acting "blindly", solving the problems of the company on your knees, without knowing advanced methodologies?
  • Do your employees not fully realize their creative potential due to a "narrow" business vision and insufficient training?
  • Are your competitors already successfully using Lean manufacturing tools and methods, which allows them to feel more confident in the market and capture an increasing part of it?
+7 812 467-34-67
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